All right, boys and girls, things are moving quickly. I spent hours (and hours) working with Justina who is a master at whatever she wants to become a master of. (Not a correctly written sentence but we are very forgiving.) Justina and I went to CreateSpace and got the inside pages of the novel ready to roll. It's quite a process, for those of you who are thinking about self-publishing. It's very fun if you have a Justina by your side ( i.e. doing it for you). DON'T TEll is almost, very close, a real live book. Now I am working with another amazing producer of great things, Casey Lynch who designed the cover. It's almost all set, just a few little details and then we are good to go. Here's a sneak preview of the latest (not final) copy:
Doesn't it just make you want to read the book! Hold onto you hat, because soon you can.
Moving forward! Fingers crossed! Celebration soon!
I can't wait to read the finished book! Wait do I have to wait? And I love seeing the process unfold - go Casey! (I am a big Casey fan) Can I subscribe to this blog????
also a big Lava fan