Monday, March 10, 2014

It's a comedy!

Oh how they laughed!  It was fantastically fantastic!  The house was full, the acting was great, the direction was right on, and the audience laughed.  At first I thought maybe they were laughing just to be nice.  But then I realized that it was an awful lot of them deciding to be nice at the exact same time, again and again.  It took a while for it to sink in; everyone was laughing because what we wrote was funny.

What happens next?  Full scale production would be great.  There was quite a bit of interest.  I'm telling you, it was that good!  I swear to God!  Ask someone who went.  I am not making this up, people!  Crazy but true.  Updates to come.



  1. Ask me! I was there! It WAS that funny! I cried! Repeatedly! I shook with laughter; I ached with it! But I do totally have some questions and suggestions... ;-p

  2. I bet it was a great success. I would like to know about the next time so I can try to be there. I am glad I was a success. Cheers!
